Bless the Child

Police have yet
to name a suspect...

and have opened a 24-hour
hot line for any information...

regarding this or any
of the other murders.

- [Continues, Indistinct]
- Hey. Hey, hey.

Let's put the dolly
in the car.

Hi, Maria. I'm really late.
I've gotta run to work.

Okay. It's bedtime,
mi angelito.

On. For Teddy.
Oh, okay.
But just for Teddy.

Your mommy's
very pretty, yes?

Did you pray for her?
Oh, Cody.
You know this.
I tell you this.

You pray to the baby Jesus
for your mommy,

and one day she will
come back to you.

Not coming, Mommy.
Not come.

I'm sorry, corazon.
I'm sorry, corazon.
You pray. You see.
Who knows, okay?
Buenasnoches, mi angelito.
Buenas noches, mi angelito.
