Boiler Room

- Who are you?
- What´s up?

- It´s my boy, Greg. Oh, shit!
- What are you doin´? Come in.

What´s goin´ on? Come here, crazy.
What are you doin´?

How´re you doin´?
Come in. Come in.

Oh, shit. Wait.
Is that your new ride?

- Him.
- Nice.

- Hi. Seth.
- Hey. Greg.

Nice to meet you.
- We thought we were done for the night.
- Too late to get a couple hands in?

No, no, no. 24-7.
Hey, Steve, could you get us
a couple of sandwiches?

- All right. Give me 400.
- Wait. What about the betting?

- What were you thinking?
- Five hundred, max?

We don´t usually
service that level of action...

but I hate
to turn away a new customer.

We might not have enough cash
to settle you at the end of the night.

That´s okay.
You can just pay me tomorrow.

All right.
How much you want?

- Five dimes.
- Jeff.

You had to do it, didn´t you?
You make me look
like l´m at the kiddie table.

- If the shoe fits, kid. Come on.
- Fuckin´ rich man.

- What denomination?
- What denomination?

How about three Puerto Ricans,
two Chinks and a Guinea?

I don´t care. Mix it up.
Whatever you want.

What about a Swahili? Jesus.
I don´t know what that is either.
You´re starting to upset me.

You got your own chips, huh,
with your name on them?

This is no joke.
We used to use the
Bicycle poker chips...

and then some kid started
sneaking in additional funds.

- Who´s that? Moyshe?
- No, no. Some kid up the block.

Fuckin´ Moyshe.
- So that´s a nice car you have there.
- Thanks. A Ferrari.

Yeah. It´s a 355,
six-speed transmission, right?

Yeah. It´s a synchromesh.
I love it. Nice.

Yo, shit is yellow, B.
Rizzy´s the color, nugga.

Yellow´s filthy. Come on.
It´s Big Bird mode.
