Boiler Room

They´ll call you every fucking day
wanting to know why the stock dropped.

And God forbid
the stock should go up.

You´re gonna hear
from them every 1 5 minutes.

It´s just not worth it.
Don´t pitch the bitch.

Number two:
Don´t write wood, all right?

A lot of trainees are so anxious
to get off the phone...

that they just steamroll the guy
into getting the press packet...

so they can hang up.
Then I call back, and l´m, like...
" Hi. You spoke to a junior
associate of mine last month."

And he´s like, " Not interested. Bye."
That´s a shitty lead, okay?

That´s fucking wood.
The info we send is bullshit, all right?

The most important part is telling them
you have that one great idea...

and that a senior broker´s
gonna call them back in a month.

This way they don´t think
we just fire off a million recos a day.

We don´t want clients thinkin´...
you´re pitching something
you read in the Journal, right?

- Yeah. Right.
- Okay, so no wood.

- I´m serious. No wood.
- All right. Take it easy.

Hey, don´t even start
that fuckin´ shit with me, okay?

I´m tryin´ to tell you what´s expected
of you and what yourjob is.

I´m tryin´ to make the job easier, okay?
Don´t give me any fuckin´ lip.

Okay. Okay, so, fine.
What happens if the guy
wants to buy stock right then?

Now you´re talkin´. You wanna go
into every call expecting just that.

If somebody wants a recommendation,
put the guy on hold...

stand up and yell "reco"
at the top ofyour lungs.

First senior broker who gets
on the horn gets the sale.

- Sound good?
- Yeah.

Okay. That suit´s dog shit.
Get a new suit.

No, Ma. I told you.
No, l´m not a broker yet.

I´m a trainee. I still have
to pass my Series Seven test.

You´re a stockbroker.

You wear a suit to work
every day, don´t you?

- Yeah.
- So, what are we arguing about?

- Thanks, Ma.
- You´re doing great, Seth.

You´re working your way up
from the bottom. Never easy.

What did Dad say about it?
He´s very happy.
Shocked, but very happy.

- He´s waiting for you to call him.
- Why doesn´t he call me?

- One miracle at a time, okay, sweetie?
- All right.
