Boiler Room

See that, Doc?
That´s my trading floor.

I have calls to make to a million other
doctors who are already in the know.

I can´t walk you through this right now.
I´m sorry.

Okay, okay.
Let´s do this.

Since you´re a new account, I can´t go
higher than 2,000 shares. I´m sorry.

2,000? Are you nuts? That is way
beyond what I was thinking. 2,000?

Listen. I´m curious. Why can´t you
sell me any more than that?

Well, we like to establish a
relationship with our clients...

on something small before we get
to the more serious trades.

Let me show you several
percentage points on this small trade...

and then we´ll talk
about doing future business.

That sounds good.
Give me the 2,000 shares.

- Done.
- You sure you can´t do better on this?

- I´m sorry, Dr. Jacobs. I can´t.
- All right.

- We´ll start with this trade, then.
- Great. I promise...

we´ll swing for the fences
on the next one.

Do you want that confirmation
sent to your office or your mansion?

Very funny,
Mr. Marlin.

Let me put my secretary on,
and she´ll take down your info.

It was a pleasure
doing business with you.

Done and done.
Yeah, baby!
- So, why´d you put a max on his buy?
- What?

Why´d you put a max on his buy?
You didn´t tell him
how it works?

He´s a trainee. He doesn´t need
to know initial sell limits.

Make sure he shows you the ropes, kid.
He´s too busy callin´ his bookie.

Fuckin´ Hebrews. Always lookin´ out
for themselves and never the trainees.

- Hey, hey.
- Why don´t you go back to Little ltaly?

Go make me a latke, dreidel boy.
Abrams, look me up on the board.

The reason I capped him
is in case he´s a piker.
