Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2

But the god of the people I hated
You say you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You say you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit
We're disposable teens
we're disposable teens

We're disposable teens
we're disposable

We're disposable teens
we're disposable teens

We're disposable teens
we're disposable

You say you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You say you want a revolution, man
And I say that you're full of shit
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah...
Karavanýnda kan
izlerine rastlamýþlar.

Þunun sesini kýsabilirmisin acaba?
Ben sadece misyonumuzdaki
modu yakalamaya çalýþýyorum.

Güzel !
fakat ben kendimi iyi hissetmiyorum.

- Midesi bulanýyor.
- Açýklamanýza gerek yok.

Sizin konforununuz beni ilgilendirir.

Bayanlar baylar, Stephen Ryan Parker`a bakýn.
3 ismi var
ve sanýrým boston dan olmalý.

Görünüþe göre kýz arkadaþý
ile bir kitabý araþtýrýyor.

- Kitabýn baþlýðý...
- Blair Witch tarihi yada histerisi.
