Boys and Girls

How's your head?
Not so good.
I'm so sorry.
You don't remember me, do you?
-No. ShouId I?

We were on a pIane
together once.

My God! Ryan?
You're Counting Ryan?
Of course I remember you.
Once a month I remember you.

I must have toId that period on the
pIane story, Iike, a miIIion times.

-Not me.
-You wanna go grab a coffee?

What about your boyfriend,
the king?

I don't have a boyfriend.
Hate commitments.

Why Iimit yourseIf when there's
aworId of possibiIities out there?

Maybe aII those possibiIities
distract you from what you want.

-That 's why I don't watch cabIe.

-There's too many choices.
-LuckiIy your schooI has uniform.

You might have to pick out an outfit,
and with aII the choices...

you might end up waIking
out of your house naked.

-That 's dumb.
-Yeah, you're pretty dumb.

-Don't caII me dumb!
-Why not? It 's true.

You are, you're dumb.
Dumb, dumb, dumb!

No. You're dumb!
-So you wanna go?

-Why not?
-Because this... us...

-We don't cIick.
-Since when?

Since now. Right now!
Does this feeI Iike we're cIicking?!

I was onIy taIking about
getting a cup of coffee.
