Brat 2

- I'd buy everyone.
- Even me?

What does he want?
Some crawfish?

What do you want?
Dirt. He says the food's dirty.
Crawfish eat the dirt.
We shouldn't eat them.

What? Dirt?
Look at you Black scum.
You need a good scrub! Get lost!
Leave him. Negro, go, go!
Who are you calling Negro?
I'll show you a real Negro.

- You shouldn't call him a Negro.
- And who is he?

- He's an Afro-American.
- What's the difference?

Nigger sounds offensive to them.
That's what I was taught at
school. The Chinese live in China,

the Germans live in Germany, the Jews
in lsrael & Negroes in Africa.

I think the power's in them.
There's something primordial

& brutal about these people. We lost it,
that's why they're stronger.

The whites know it and they're
afraid of them.

- We'd better go.
- Bastards, they spoiled the party.
