Center Stage

Teachers dote on you.
Other students ask for your help.

And an aura builds
and then you get accepted into ABA.

And whether or not you admit it,
you start thinking...

...soon you'll be doing Giselle
before packed houses at Lincoln Center.

For most of you, that will never happen.
I say this to help you clarify
your expectations for the year ahead.

If you work harder every day
than you've ever worked in your life...

...this school will turn you into
the best dancer you can possibly be.

That may or may not be the kind of dancer
I have room for in the company.

At best, I can take
three boys and three girls.

I'll watch you carefully
over the coming months.

But I won't make any decisions
till I see how you dance in the workshop...

:08:50 the end of the year.
They won't be easy decisions to make
because you're all very talented.

You wouldn't be here if you weren't.
Thank you for bringing your gifts
to our community.

I wish you all a very good year.
I hope he doesn't think
that was inspirational.

One more thing.
Next week's the company gala. We always
invite advanced students to attend...

...and then help at the party afterwards.
I expect you all to be there.

- And you are?
- Eva Rodriguez.

So glad you could fit us
into your busy schedule, Eva.

No sweat.
All right, ladies, we'll start with plies.
First position. Demi and stretch.
Demi and stretch.

Full grand plie. And return.
Port de bras forward.
Full port de bras back.
The same in second,
fourth and fifth positions...

...and then we'll rise
and take a balance in fifth.

Yes? Let's begin. Steven?
