Center Stage

Because all we ever do in this place
is take class.

And it's about time we had a little fun.
Hi, Maureen.
Hi, Emily. How you guys doing?
So has Maureen been really busy?
She isn't seeing someone else, like...
...Cooper Nielson or someone?
What do you know about him?
I've been doing my ballet research.
We're not encouraged
to date company members.

I fully support that policy.
All I came here to say is
I go to Columbia, pre- Med.

I have a clean record, impeccable hygiene
and here's my number.

- Go talk to him.
- Come on, go.

The thing is, I've got priorities.
You only get to be a dancer for 1 0 years.

Maybe 1 5 if you don't get injured.
So, for the next decade- -

All I'm asking for is a date.
That's why I like this guy.
Anna's for sure, right?
She's always been Jonathan's favorite.

- Maureen, too.
- Right.

- Boring.
- Boring or not, Jonathan likes her.

That only leaves one girl spot open.
- Emily.
- I don't think so.

- She's getting big. Jonathan hates big.
- It's a little extra padding for the winter.

- What does she have that I don't?
- She can salsa.
