Cesta z mesta

Take out all the breakpoints.
It's gotta be somewhere here.

I'm in the assembler, *68.
That's right.

They are all static.
It's initiated.

The DLL has loaded
from some address.

If the debugger saves it else-
where, it will go in cycles.

Save it more than once
so you can just click on it.

The length is in characters,
but if I use Unicode,
it gets stuck.

Put it in C++ and don't
recall it. Then it won't crash.

Those multi-window programs!
Window artificial utility
is more like debility.

You could also move one byte
or move it in a cycle.

This thing won't even move.
I'm back in the assembler!

Spray the hard drive
with whip cream.

It might be addicted
to sugar like you.

It doesn't give a fuck about me.
This is Honza.
How are you, Honzík?

What day is today? Friday?
I don't know if I can make it.
I still have a lot of work.

Okay, I will try,
but I can't promise anything.

Bye... Oh my.
Have I finished something late,

Everything you've done,
for as long as I can remember.

-What then? Tell me...
-I'm joking.

You're our best programmer, huh?
