Chain of Fools

Andy, this pIace is no good.
Okay, so maybe I haven't earned
my body dumping badge yet.

Any suggestions where we can dump
your body that's vacant and avaiIabIe?

Get him in!
Don't, Dave!
It was the perfect pIan.
Store the body at Karen's
for the time being, and feed the dog.

-Let's get out of here.
-Wait, I have to feed the dog.

Come on! I'm going to give you your piII.
A Iot of peopIe think wine cooIers
are a Iady's drink.

Come here, Dave.
...just as messed up as beer does.
-They're great to take on camping trips.
-Dave, where's my ring?

PIus, the vitamin C content is"...."
What are you doing?
I was just checking to see
if our new friend...

...'"'"Zachary Seymour Avnet'"'..."
...had any cash to donate
to the Andy Brower fund.

Come on. Don't. Put it back.
I didn't find any cash, but I did find this.

He's a card-carrying member
of the John Birch Society.

I don't know if you're famiIiar
with their phiIosophy.

This man did not come into your shop
and yeII communist sIogans.

It's about time
you start teIIing Andy Brower the truth.

Okay, Andy.
I'm sorry. I was going to save this
as a surprise, but...

:14:38 and I are about to become
very rich men.

-What do you mean?
-Just grab his keys. Come on.

I hadn't intended on dragging Andy
into this mess, but...

...I figured he couId use
a coupIe of miIIion doIIars.
