Chain of Fools

This Avnet guy was a pig.
How are we going to find a coupIe of coins
in this mess?

We'II tear this pIace apart.
This pIace makes me sick.
I'm going to cIean up.

Andy, no, you're not.
We don't have enough time.

We've got time, the guy's dead.
Fine, you do what you want.
I'II find the coins.

Hey, sugar, I'm gIad you're home.
Who the heII are you?
We're the cIeaners.
We're the cIeaners.
-Merit Badge CIeaning.

-And we're here to cIean.

We're going to vacuum.
Did you get the vacuum?

I Ieft it in the van.
-We'II go down to the van--
-BuIIshit! That is buIIshit.

What are you doing with Avnet's keys?
We had to get in.
Zachary Seymour Avnet.
I'm going to caII the poIice,
because y'aII is lying.

Don't do that.
-We're the cIeaners.
-Put it down! Put it down!

-Put it down!
-Oh, shit!

Enough taIking, aII right?
Just teII us where the treasure is.
I don't know nothing about no treasure.
You know damn weII
what I'm taIking about, Iady!

I think it's a guy.
You're a transvestite?
That is a sin against God!
That is a sin against country!

Come on, Iet's just go.
We're just going to go.

Wait one second.
Not onIy are you an abomination...

...but you are the ugIiest transvestite
I've ever seen.

Fuck you! That tears it!
I'm the best--
