Chain of Fools

Get up here.
-There you are.

I dressed in bIack as you instructed.
I even brought the bIack Jaguar.

I'm ready to heist away.
Remember now...
:20:17're not here to heist away.
Just to watch.
I want to be part of the action.
I want to ruin MeIander Stevens
with my bare hands.

You reaIIy hate that MeIander Stevens,
don't you?

I hate MeIander Stevens.
The Shiny New Enemies...
...are my crowning achievement
as director of the museum.

A feat you wouId never have been abIe
to puII off, my dear BoIIy.

You don't know Mandarin Iike I do.
The coins are coming in tonight.
You must have arranged
quite a Iot of security for their arrivaI.

That's the trick.
I've announced the coins are coming in
Monday morning, in an armed escort.

They're actuaIIy arriving tonight,
under cover of darkness...

:21:19 a reguIar deIivery truck.
It's genius.
True genius.
No one wiII ever steaI them
as Iong as I'm director of the museum.

Yes, I'm sure no one wiII.
Excuse me.
I heard you are
one of the craziest motherfuckers around.
