Chain of Fools

Two men dead, BoIIy.
Two men.
And the coins are gone.
And it's aII my fauIt.
I'm ruined. Ruined.
I'm sure they'II be returned.
I can't beIieve this...
...cocksucker, or cocksuckers...
...knew about the secret deIivery.
How the heII did that get out?
I'II have to remember
every singIe souI I toId.

WeII, Stevens...
:28:06 couId be anybody.
Perhaps the thieves just happened
to be driving by at the right time.

That's highIy unIikeIy, don't you think?
Sergeant KoIko.
What a pIeasant surprise.
Good morning, Mr. Stevens.
Sergeant KoIko,
this is Robert BoIIingsworth, an oId friend.

BoIIy, this is Sergeant Meredith KoIko.
She's heading the robbery investigation.

-PIeased to meet you.
-PIease, sit.

So, any Ieads?
-That's what they say, isn't it? Leads?
-Yes, it is '"'"Ieads.'"'"

We know two peopIe were invoIved.
But I heard there were no witnesses.
That's right...
...but I discovered this
at the scene of the crime.

-What is it?
-A sandwich.
