Chain of Fools

You're a hero, Mr. Kresk.
Tragedy. ReaI tragedy.
So, how are you doing?
I'm Frederic Kerner...
...Mr. BoIIingsworth's personaI assistant.
You know our Mr. BoIIingsworth
is a major industriaIist?

Worth quite a Iot of money.
Then why did he jump off a bridge?
No, he didn't jump. SadIy, he feII.
-I'm pretty sure he jumped.
-You're remembering wrong.

ProbabIy aII that icy water. He feII.
-Say that with me, '"'"He feII.'"'"
-He feII.

But he jumped.
A Iot of peopIe
are going to ask you questions today.

Doctors, members of the media, poIice.
It's very important that everybody knows...
...that Mr. BoIIingsworth
is of sound mind and body...

...even if he's in a coma.
There's a gaggIe of reporters downstairs
eager to hear the truth about him.

I don't want to taIk to any reporters
right now, Mr. Kerner.

I'm stiII wet and I just want to go home,
catch some sIeep.

Too bad you won't meet Gina,
Mrs. BoIIingsworth.

She's so friendIy.
Are you Mrs. BoIIingsworth?
No, I'm Sergeant Meredith KoIko
of the poIice force.

''Cops Out of Uniform''?
-And you are?
-I'm just Thomas Kresk.

I saved the oId man.
If you don't mind,
I want to ask you a few questions.

Great body.
-Excuse me?
-Your hair. It's reaIIy nice.

Can you pIease describe
what happened on the bridge?

...I was out for my morning jog...
...and I saw Mr. BoIIingsworth.
He feII into the river.
-He sIipped and feII over the raiIing?
