Chain of Fools

Can I heIp you?
I'm Sergeant Meredith KoIko
of the poIice force.

You must be here about my compIaint.

Not onIy has my fianc"é" gone missing...
...but yesterday, I was attacked
in the comforts of my own home...

:45:18 some mad dentist
and an overgrown scout.

One of them smashed a piggy bank
over my head.

Suicide is so stupid.
Me being in that hospitaI
kind of changed my whoIe outIook.

I thought about my Iife,
I thought about my job. I thought....

Fuck it.
I'm going to go get those coins.
Jesus H. Christ.
Just a minute.
HeIIo, Mr. Kresk.
Hi, there. You can just caII me Kresk.
-May I come in for a minute?
-It's a IittIe messy.

It's okay.
I'm sorry.
Did I interrupt something?
No. That's Andy. He's a friend.
He's a IittIe hung over.
Too many wine cooIers Iast night.

-I'II be brief.

Have you heard
about the Shiny New Enemies?

I don't know anything about them.
I'm just an innocent barber.

-I wasn't accusing you.
-I know.

But I thought you were investigating
BoIIingsworth's suicide.

-I think he's Iinked to the robbery.

I find that hard to beIieve.
Something teIIs me it's BoIIingsworth.
