Chain of Fools

He wants bygones to be bygones
about the whoIe coin thing.

-"He wants to hang out for a few days"--

-I can't beIieve you kidnapped me.
-That hurt.

It's not kidnapping, it's borrowing.
There's something inside of you
that we need.

My pIasma.
No, the coins that you swaIIowed.
Wait a freaking minute.
You guys kidnapped me
to get the coins I'm going to poo?

It's Iike a bird with seeds.
Like a Ringrobin Sapstronger--

Just shut up!
We just need to know
if you've pooed since Iast night.

No, I haven't, Mr. Creepy.
Those coins are worth a Iot of money.
So, you can't poo for the next 24 hours.

But when we get to France,
you can poo to your heart's content.

Everything was going pretty smoothIy.
I had 10 hours to kiII before my fIight,
so I decided to pay the oId man a visit.

GirI, I do not have to be carefuI.
Dr. WeIby said that rich oId man
ain't never going to wake up.

I came by...
:51:35 make sure you didn't snap out
of the coma before I Ieft the country. But...

...I guess I don't have to worry about that.
It's funny.
It's not funny, it's more ironic than funny.
It's pretty much not funny at aII.
