Chicken Run

Farmer's coming !
Operation Cover-up !
Whee !
Ouch !
Huh ?
- Mr. Tweedy!
- Ooh. Ouch.

- Where are you ?
- Ooh. It's all in your head.

It's all in your head.
It's all in your head.

Think, everyone, think.
What haven't we tried yet ?

We haven't tried
not trying to escape.

Hmm. That might work.
What about Edwina ?
How many more empty nests
will it take ?

Perhaps it wouldn't be empty
if she'd spent more time laying
and less time escaping.

So laying eggs
all your life...

and then getting plucked, stuffed
and roasted is good enough for you ?

It's a living.
You know what the problem is ?
The fences aren't just round the farm.
They're up here in your heads.

There's a better place out there
somewhere beyond that hill,

and it has wide open spaces
and lots of trees...

and grass.
Can you imagine that ?
Cool, green grass.

- Who feeds us ?
- We feed ourselves.

- Well, where's the farm ?
- There is no farm.

- Then where does the farmer live ?
- There is no farmer, Babs.

- Is he on holiday ?
- He isn't anywhere. Don't you get it ?

There's no morning head count, no
farmers, no dogs and coops and keys...

and no fences.
In all my life I've never
heard such a fantastic...
