
Come on.
His skull can't be
as thick as we thought.

[All laugh]
It was like swatting a fly.

Ohh. The worst is over.
He found out
what you're made of.

[Laughs] So did l.

Mmm !
How long have we got?
She's at the hairdresser
for an hour.

CAROLlNE: Fuffi.
l'm so sorry, but l have
to break the appointment.

FRANCOlSE: ls something wrong?
CAROLlNE: No. l volunteered
to distribute these.

l promised the comte l'd have
them out by the end of the day.

FRANCOlSE: Count me in.
Not that l expect any of them
to stop by for a hairstyle.

CAROLlNE: It's notjust that.
The comte feels
we must stand firm.

We cannot trust these people.
Before you knowit,
they'llbe doingjobs forfood.

They'llbe begging
at ourdoors.

FRANCOlSE: Not at this door.
CAROLlNE: Good, Fuffi, good.
ARMANDE: Rub, rub.
Rub harder. Rub.

ARMANDE: Rub. Rub.
[Luc exhales]
ARMANDE: Rub it. Hard.
Keep yourhead still.


[Vianne and Josephine
stop clapping]

Hello, Caroline.
ARMANDE: IFyou want to
blame someone, blame me--

corrupting him with cocoa.
Oh, how dare you, Mother.
He's happy. He's fine.
Look at him.

Mama, l--
Well, what about you, Mother?
CAROLlNE:Are you fine?
