Coyote Ugly

// Granny, willyour dog bite
No, child, no////

Here we go!
Andleft, andright,
clog, clog, clog.

Oh, yeah!
So, uh, tell me more
about this bar.

- What kind ofplace is it?
- I don't know. It'sjust a bar, Dad.

It's no big deal.
What areyou eating?

One ofthose Lean Cuisine meals.
Rice and vegetables. Delicious.

- Oh! See, they're good. Right?
- Mmm. Yum.

So, well, what's going on
with your songwriting?

Songwriting. Oh!
He still has my tape.

//Dance, dance, dance//
I want my tape.
- I had a feeling
you'd be back to see me.

- No dates in the kitchen, O'Donnell.
- I'm not staying.

I-- I just want my tape.
- Thanks. Bye.
- Did you reallywrite all those songs?

You listened to my tape?
No, ofcourse not.
I mean, that would be
invasion ofprivacy.

/ Baby, you're the right kind
oflove //

Go ahead, laugh it up.
'Cause there's nothing you can
say that's gonna bother me.

I'm just ttying to tell you
I likeyour music.

I mean, doyou always
take compliments so well?

- I gotta go.
- Wait! Uh--

I wanna seeyou again.
Where areyou workin'?

- I'm a Coyote.
- [ Howls ]
- Good.

- And what the hell is that?
- Ifyou want to see me again,
you'll figure it out.
