Coyote Ugly

// You're unbelievable////
Come on! Knock it--
Hey! Knock it off!.

Lil! The ice!
How doyou like that, huh?
// There's everygoodreason////
I don't know howyou guys do it.
I can't have another drink.

Next time that guy buys you a shot--
That's on me, honey.

Chase it with a beer.
- I don't get it.
- I don't swallow it.

I just spit the shot
back into the beer bottle.
They'll never know.

You tty it.
Hey,just keep an eye
on your spittoon bottle.

Once Rachel served hers to Lou
by accident. Huge drama.

Cammie, I think I just fell
in love with you.

Oh, Violet!
I'm not a lesbian.

I've played in the minors,
but neverwent pro.

- Th-That's not what I meant.
- What areyou doing?

Lil's starin' straight atyou.
Come on. Grab this guy.
Makeyourselflook busy.

- Hi. You look like
you could use a shot.
- No, I'm waiting on Lil.

Sorty. It's a no parking zone.
Ifyou wanna sit here,
you gotta order a drink.

- Okay. Gimme a glass ofwater.
- Okay.

- Hejust ordered water.
- Yeah.

You know what to do.
Testing. Um, hey, evetybody,
this guyjust ordered water.

Do we serve waterin ourbar?
Hell, no!H20!

Jersey! No!
It's okay, Lil!
Nobody orders water in your bar!

He can orderwhatever he wants.
He's the fi re marshal.

Hey, Mike, I'm so sorty.
She's new.

I'm okay.
Let's step outside.

- Nice knowing you,Jersey.
