Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

even great heroes can be idiots.
Tell me if Li Mu Bai is not more
open the next time you see him.

I'll give him an earful!
Sir Te said
to leave the sword in here.

Who are you?
I'm your guest today.
I am Governor Yu's daughter.
This is Sir Te's study.
You are here to...?

I was just looking
for a quiet corner.

I am Sir Te's head servant.
And this is another of our guests.
It's heavy
for such a thin piece of metal!

The handle is heavy.
And the blade is no ordinary metal.

Still, the sword
is the lightest of weapons.

You're just not used
to handling it.

But, I have had much practice.
As a child in the West,
a platoon lived with us.

They'd let me play
with their weapons.

The scabbard is so beautiful.
Beautiful but dangerous.
Once you see it tainted with blood,
its beauty is hard to admire.

It's 40000 years old.
You said it belongs to...
My friend Li Mu Bai.
He's given it to Sir Te as a gift.

Li Mu Bai!
The famous warrior?
Why would he give his sword
to Sir Te?
