
[ Screaming ]
[ Snorting ]
[ Both Grunt ]
- [ Whimpering ]
- [ Growling ]

- [ Continue Whimpering ]
- [ Snarling ]

- [ Gasping ]
- Let me out!Let me out!

- [ Spits ]
- [Both Screech]

[ Coughs ]
Hair ball. [ Spits ]

- That was great! Get him!
- [ Laughing ]

Oh, no! Attacking lemurs!
Suri, please!

I can't take it! There
are too many ofyou! Come on!
Pick on someone your own size!

- Help! [ Continues, Indistinct ]
- [ All Giggling ]

[ Chuckling ]
Oh, no--
[ Groans ]

[ Gasps ]
you're not dead.

- No! [ Laughs ]
- [ All Scream ]

All right, guys, break it up.
Remember the courtship?

- You gonna miss
seeing all that smooching.
- [ Groaning ] Oh, Mom.

- That's okay, Plio.
We can smooch right here. [ Kissing ]
- [ All Screeching ]

- It's a shameyou don't like kids.
- Nasty little vermin.

Ha-ha. Go find Zini.
He's rehearsing pickup lines.
Let's hope he's found
some new material.

Hey, sweetie, if you'll be my bride,
I'll groom ya.

That is good.
Oh, that's good.

Girls, I'm known
as the ''professor oflove,''

and school's in session.
[ Wheezing Laugh ]

- Yeah, I still got it. [ Exhales ]
- I hopeit's notcontagious.

- I'm a raging epidemic ofromance.
- Come on, hot stuff.

Let's get goin'. You don't wanna miss
Yar's annual pep talk.

[ Zini ] Oh, goody. I can't
wait to hear the mating advice
of an old monkey.

[ Aladar] Hey-Hey-Hey, I heard
that in his day, that old monkey
was quite a swinger.
