That's it. Keep pushing and shoving.
That's very helpful.
[Dinosaurs Snarling]
Bruton, we've been walking in circles.
There's no water here.
- I thinkwe should get back.
- Shh. Keep it down.
[ Hisses ]
[ Sniffii ng ]
- Let's get out ofhere.
- [ Gasps ]
[ Carnotaur Roars ]
[Carnotaur Roaring]
Now, youcome outon three.
One, two, three!
Come on. Come on out.
No one's gonna hurtyou.
Hey, hey.
What's going on?
The little Aladars haven't
had anything to drink.
I think they're scared ofme.
Who wouldn't be?
You are pretty scary.
- [ Growls ]
- [ Chuckles ] Come on over, guys.
[ Grunting ]
- Take it easy. Don't worry.
She'sjust a hair ball.
- And proud ofit.
Come on. He's gonna
fii nd you some water.
Here. Now, youjust
take a foot and press.