
for some reason
the dolphins always rush up
the banks on their right side

over time
the teeth on that side will

actually be worn down from
chewing as much mud as fish

they will work themselves

completely out of the water
being stranded up
here could be fatal

as they shimmy up the mud
banks it's almost as

if they're evolving into
the land creatures they once were

some fifty million years ago
the ancestors
of these air-breathing

mammals ventured
into the seas

to follow dolphins
in the wild is to discover

one of the most remarkable
adaptations in the natural world

they use their intelligence
to survive

changing or inventing strategies
to suit their environment

spinner dolphins leap in what
appears to a display of exuberance

in fact,
they may be signaling
others to join them,

or coordinating
movements of the pod...

a kind of long
distance communication.

At close range,
dolphins "speak" through
clicks and whistles.
