
it's up to the dolphins
to bring some

order to all this and
they quickly do

the dolphin's strategy is to
circle the school

and drive it into an
ever tightening ball

they guard the outside
perimeter by blowing bubbles

which frightens the fish
this takes advantage of
the fishes' natural defense

to huddle together
when attacked

as the fish ball
gets tighter

the duskys take turns
grabbing mouthfuls

of fish then retreat
to guard the perimeter

soon the ball is
clustered so tightly

the fishes' escape
response breaks down

now it's simply a
matter of the

dolphins' nipping food
off the edges

as the feeding progresses
the dolphin calves
are nowhere to be seen

for others drawn
to the feast might prefer

young dolphin to
a mouthful of anchovies

mothers bring their calves
to a sort of nursery

away from the chaos
of the feeding area

for the rest of the group
