Drowning Mona

To bad people.
You punctured the fetzer valve.
Phil cut the brake lines.

Then he switched Mona's keys and
drove the final nail into her coffin.

I don't know what to say, Mr. Rash.
Don't say anything.
But know this.

I will die before I ever let you
ruin my daughter's life.

I will hunt you down,
chasing you to the ends of the earth...

pursuing you relentlessly
until I am satisfied...

that you know what it is
to suffer the wrath of God.

You will welcome the relief
that death will bring.

- Got it?
- Got it.

I just want us to be happy.
You, me, Ellen, the baby.
We're gonna be like
the von Trapp family.

You know, The Sound Of Music, the
family from Austria, Julie Andrews...

and all the little kids singing.
Come with me.
Marriage is an institution
not to be entered into lightly.

So, is there anyone here
who feels that this couple...

should not be joined
in holy wedlock?

Last chance.
Okay, so be it.
I now pronounce you
husband and wife.

What are youse waiting for?
I'm dying here.

- I love you.
- I love you too.

Way to go.
