Dungeons & Dragons

See that there?
I knew that boy had talent!

Alanor, salah, bidara!
Do not let them escape...
or you will suffer
a fate far worse...

than that which hath
been inflicted upon me.

So there I am, hogtied,
lying on my back.

This Orc starts poking me
with the spear.

Kind of a no-win situation.
So, I say to myself,
"What do I got to lose?"

So, I take that spear
and bite it.

And I start chewing.
Idol of idols.
With an Elf.
You got to be kidding.
The problem with Elves is
they got no meat on their bones.

You got to get yourself
a nice 250-pound Dwarf.

With hair on her chin
you can hang on to.

Excuse me, little man.
You looking for somebody
in particular?

Or are you just looking for...
