Erin Brockovich

Good morning.
How you doing?

Did you see it last night?
I taped it.
Don't tell me what happens.

It was so good.
Your nine o'clock's here already.
-Remind me.
-Erin Brockovich.

Car accident.
Not her fault, she says.

She was referred.
-Erin, hi.

Ed Masry. Sorry you had to wait.
That's okay.
Here, sit. Sit down.
Thank you.
I never thought standing
could take it out of you.

Ever since that shithead hit me...
:04:06's like my body's
put together wrong.

You poor thing.
Did anyone ask if you wanted coffee?
-Yeah. I'm fine.

Listen, whoever did this to you
made one hell of a mistake.

And you and me, we're gonna
make him pay for it.

So, uh...
...why don't you
tell me what happened?

I was pulling out real slow,
and out of nowhere...

...his Jaguar comes racing around
the corner like a bat out of hell.

They took some bone from my hip
and put it in my neck.

I don't have insurance...
:04:47 l'm about $1 7,000
in debt right now.

I couldn't take painkillers. They made
me too groggy to take care of my kids.

Matthew's 8,
and Katie's almost 6.

And Beth's just 9 months.
