Erin Brockovich

You never called me back.
I left messages.

You did? I didn't know that.
Donald seems to think--

There's two things that aggravate me:
being ignored and being lied to.

-I never lied.
-You said things'd be fine.

They're not. I trusted you.
-I'm sorry.
-I don't need pity.

I need a paycheck.
And l've looked.

When you spend 6 years raising babies,
it's hard to get a job that pays.

Are you getting this down, honey?
Or am I talking too fast for you?

I'm sorry about that.
But we have a full staff now--
Bullshit. If you had a full staff,
you'd return a client's damn call.

I'm smart and hard-working.
I'm not leaving here without a job.

Don't make me beg.
If it doesn't work out, fire me.
Don't make me beg.
No benefits.
What we do in here is file
all of the cases.

That way, at any time,
we can tell the status of a file.

Where it is in the office and stuff.
Here's where we organize
all the files alphabetically.

-Simple enough.

-And here is your desk.

I want to show you where
the Xerox machine is.

Everybody has a code.
-Do I get to pick my own code?
-We'll see.

Can you tell me who I talk to about
getting an advance on my paycheck?

Just for the weekend.
Rosalind's the office manager.
She handles the payroll
and petty cash.

She's gone already.
She leaves early on Fridays.
