Essex Boys

Welcome back,Jason.
You didn't tell me
you were rich,John.

[ Laughs ]
I'm not rich.

Everybody's suddenly rich
while I'm inside.

It's a nice place,John.
Could easily get a swimming pool
in this garden. Yeah.

Nice pool with a cover on it.
Gym upstairs.
I could handle that.
I leave the garden to Henry.
That's his domain.

- Cheers.
- Cheers,John.

I'm very grateful for what
you did for me inside,Jason.

[ Chuckles ]
That's all right.

I was wondering whether
I could repay the favor.

Is there anything
I can do for you ?

Well, if you're asking,
John, maybe there is.

I've got some friends who need
some gear brought into the country.

- Gear ?
- Naughty gear,John.

All right, Henry ?
How's it going ?
Been having a lot of trouble
with drainage.

Clay soil round here.
Water lies on the surface.

Heavy rain drowns
everything off.

Yeah. Gutting when
that happens, isn't it ?

All right, come on.
Come on.

The truth is I work just for
one person now, then only occasionally.

Working outside that arrangement
would be too dangerous.

And, you see, I--
I simply cannot
go to prison again... ever.

Well, you think
about it,John.

See if you can't
get your head around it.

See, the way I see it,
