Final Destination

Hitchcock, let me give you
a hand with this.

There you go.
Carter, you dick.
- Schmuck.
- Good one.

- You left this on the bus.
- Thanks.

Come on,
let's get your stuff together.

Hey, Christa. Hi, Blake.
- What are you doing?
- He's the man.

All right.
You guys got everything?

Yeah, Dad, we're all set.
Does that mean go?
Don't know.
This is for both of you.
Have a great time.

Thanks, Dad.
- Both of us.
- Let's go.

- Alex, take care of them.
- I will.

Didn't think anything could look
worse than my yearbook photo.

How do you think I feel
having to look at you?

What the fuck does he want?
The airport does not
endorse solicitors.

Death is not the end.
It will be for you
if you harass my students.

Hare Rama.
