For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story

Yes, for a little bit.
I have something for you.
It's soap from London.
You keep it.
-You know Félix Chapotín?
-Of course.

I was admiring your taste in music.
Now, he was a trumpet player.
You like baseball?
Maybe we can go see my favorite team,
Los Industriales.

You're trying to make me like you.
How am I doing?
Not good?
Let's try a bribe.
It's turkey.
Turkey sandwich.
When's the last time
you had a turkey sandwich?

Never. Where do you get it?
Right there.
That's not turkey.
-What is it?
-That's vulture.

No, it's not. It's turkey from heaven.
Bad news.
You know him?
Who doesn't know him?
Is he in the Party?
I don't think he's in anything.
He belongs to a different world.
Different way of thinking.

I don't understand you
and neither will anybody else.

You have a good position here,
a wonderful reputation.

Why do you want to risk it?
I'm old enough to know what I'm doing.
Not as old as his first wife.
