
I hope those fuckers
aren't Iate.

Look, that car's no good.
It must have been reported stoIen
by now. We need another.

It has to be your sister's?
-It's easy.
-It'd be easier to steaI one.

Cut the shit, Tony!
We won't have time
to steaI a car.

Come on, Shorty.
I have it aII pIanned out.
Seven hours to Tarifa,
right next to AIgeciras.
Then the boat to Tangiers.
They're our friends.
What the fuck, Tony?
Trust me.
I toId you
I have it aII pIanned out.

Okay, okay.
AII right.
Get dressed!
Maxi's waiting for us.
I'm fed up with you, you hear me?
You're nothing but troubIe.

Pissing yourseIf
when I'm working!

That's a Iie.
You weren't working.

"You weren't working".
That's where we get our food.

Who are you, anyway,
the LittIe Mermaid?

She never Iies,
she's never bad.

I hope Iife
fucks you over a bit

so you Iearn.
Things wiII change. Now your dad
wiII have to put up with you.

You'II end up missing me.
Yes, speaking.
