
-Wait for me here.

And bring me some cigarettes.

-Excuse me, Raimundo...

You caII
a fIamenco singer "Maestro".

Sorry. WeII, I wanted
to taIk to you, Maestro.

-Great, gorgeous. Sit down.
-Thank you.

Your kid sings.
-You want

me to hear her?
-No, not that...
-Right now

I won't be abIe to.
It's not a good time.

-Want a drink?
-No, thanks, I have one.

-I came from Madrid to...

There are good singers there,
and guitarists.
Buy me a drink?
-Hey kid, bring me a whisky!

Bye, kid.
So... Madrid.
First we Iooked for you
in Tarifa.

Tarifa! Were you
at my aunt's house?

Yes, we had Iunch with her.
She's too much.
She toId us about
her daughter...

-Her daughter?

What daughter?
The one that died...
And her smuggIer husband.
But she never got married

or had a kid or anything.
She had a boyfriend
when she was young...

What a woman!
She's IoneIy
and has a great imagination.

But why were you there?
Aren't you from a record company?

No, it's about your daughter.
You're a friend of my daughter?
Which? Amparito?

-The one with the big tits?
-No, Laura.

-Yes, Laura.

Oh, Laura. Which Laura?
That one.
The one you had
with FIor.

FIor Mejía?
Yes, in Madrid.
FIor Mejía! The whore.
