George Washington

Pop kissed?
- But it wasn't like a French until about two weeks after. - A French?
You stuck your tongue in somebody's mouth after two weeks?
- Yes, I did, okay? - Oh, I don't know how to handle this.
- You are too young to be doin' that. - Anyway, back to my story.
Okay. Sorry. Go ahead.
Anyway, it was after school, and my friend Latrice,
she was like, "Oh, y'all need to kiss, y'all need to kiss, and I wanna see
And I was like, "Latrice, no, you can't."
And then we went outside, away from the candy store where we were standing.
- We went outside in the courtyard. - Mm-hmm.
- And he kissed me. - Outside in the courtyard?
- I gotta watch you after school, outside in the courtyard. - Oh, goodness,
Is this the home of George Richardson?
I'm sorry. He's in bed.
My name is Pamela Hurst.
Your son saved my son Tyler's life today.
Yeah, we all had a hard day today.
I understand there were some complications.
Yes, George is not supposed to go in the swimming pool.
His head is very sensitive, and he's not feelin' very well.
Your son is a hero, Mrs. Richardson.
George is not my son. He's my nephew.
I almost lost my son today.
I appreciate you comin' by.
Hmm, I remember a time I kissed somebody.
I kissed him on the steps. His name was Charles.
I cannot believe I kissed him. I just started goin' out with him...
like five minutes before I kissed him.
You're fast, man.
And next thing, we was on the steps kissin'.
