Gone in Sixty Seconds

Well, Atley Jackson came to see me.
He told me something about Kip.

Can I help you with one of these?
Tell Castlebeck he's not gonna believe
who just walked into the Quality Cafe.

I can't say I'm surprised.
All his life he looked up to you,
tried to be you.

Guess now he is.
So why is this happening?
I send you guys money.

He met some people, and he changed.
He lost that... that sweetness.
You know?

Tell me. How deep in is he?
Can you get him out?
It means doing things.
Things I told you I'd never do again.
Do what it takes, Randall.
- When did you get into town, Raines?
- Last night.

- Last night? What for?
- I thought I'd catch a Lakers game.

Heard we got Shaquille.
You guys wanna go?

- Guess not.
- Randall, Randall, Randall. Come here.

I get this call from this uniform,
you know. Axton.

Very nice man.
Remembers everything.

This man calls me up, says,
"Guess who's back in town."

I say, "Who?"
He says, "Randall Raines."

I say, "Randall Raines the car thief?"
He says, "Yeah."

I say, "lmpossible."
He says, "No, he's back."

I say, "No, he's not." He says, "Yes, I will
bet you $ 200 I just saw Randall Raines."

- You guys said a lot. Look, Detective...
- No, whoa, whoa.

What's really, really ironic about this -
two nights ago, we snare these 13
fresh stolens waiting for export, right?

And at the time I'm thinking,
"This feels like Randall Raines."
