
Listen, l admit that when l came
downstairs, Bill asked me.

lt was like, "Did you or didn't you?"
l let him think what he wanted to.

What did happen?
We were drinking. We were making out,
and then she passed out, so l left.

You don't recall her saying no?
Protesting? Trying to push you away?
l remember some of that, but. . . .
-She was saying no, but--
-But what?

But she didn't mean it.
l didn't do it!
Travis, come look at this.
Zoom in on that.

Oh, yeah. He's got her by the wrist.
You guys heard what's happening?
We have to come clean.
Come clean?
Like Murder, She Wrote.
This is a real cop, Derrick.
Her investigation's not a joke.

Why didn't she talk to you?
You're the only one who saw anything.
Well, that's interesting.
Could they arrest somebody. . .
. . .because what people believe is true
is actually more real than the truth?

That's real interesting, Travis.
What a fascinating idea.

You need to relax a little bit
because nobody's been arrested.

l'm really not sure
what you want to do.

Come clean?
How do we do that?
We'll tell them what?

We started a rumor that may
just turn out to be true?

l mean, Jones. . .
. . .l didn't exactly see
what went on in that room.

What if he did rape her?
That's not funny, Derrick.
Hey, l was loaded. Marie was
throwing up and Beau shut the door.

You said you were certain
there wasn't any sex.

Well, l'm almost certain. 80% .
The facts shift with perception?
l could track it algorithmically.

Travis, he lied to us!
