
You don't smoke, don't drink
don't find other gals

Make love after listening
to the disc

How boring!
Isn't it good?
It's no different from an ant

Romeo is never the same
He's been wooing and he's bastard
He just laugh when I play the fool
He knows how to make me glad
When making love...

Stop...don't compare such
private things

Will he look after you and
protect you?

Will he be with you for
the whole life?

Let's talk those things later
And look! He tattoos my name ''Mi''
Mi Mi ! Lynn Lynn ! Mi Mi !
Mi, you must regret for this

Do you still love me?
Yes, I do. lt's good
If I regret and come back...
You'll be with me again, right?
Actually I like this house very much
I can't sleep in stranger's bed
Yes, you'll soon be sick
when you can't sleep

You don't want me feel sick, right?

So I'll live here
Great...of course. So you move out
I don't know why I'm moving
and let Mi stay with Pizza guy there
Perhaps I do live Mi
I fear she'll get nothing
except pizzas

So I wanna change the name
of property owner to Mi

One more thing
I don't know where I can sleep tonight
I have little pals, only 2 relatives
They're my sister and her son Barry
