
l'm gonna...now...
No need to act so real.
I trust you now

Little Girl
lt works!
Oh no, he must know I lied
Wake up, Little Girl. Your house
Little Girl, where's the medicine?
Why does this happen?
l don't know
lt must be my parents
Why am l so poor?

They came before?
They're habitual gamblers
My savings...

were given to them and they lost all
This time they must play mahjong here
and want money
lt hurts
They'll sell me to Macau
to be prostitute

Let me pretend to be from Mainland
They'll buy cassette for me
to learn Mandarin

M...Mandarin... Not that easy!
OK. lf you promise me not
to beat me again...

l can take you to my house now
Really? lt's so kind of you
That's true
l thought Barry and Bug...
Would't agree to let a girl
staying here

To my surprise, they didn't refuse
The toy stops selling now
Where did you find it?
What are you doing?
Nothing, just doing sit-up
Have some hot milk.. Sleep earlier
Black and white blocks. Grey!
Grey? Of course not
Black and white blocks
