Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

...was the haste with which my parents
got me back into the house.

Suddenly l couldn´t go
to my normal school anymore.

l was sent off to a makeshift school...
:09:19 the end of the tramline.
And I did it aIone, even at age 7.
I went to the end of the Iine, and I wouId
just waIk on untiI I came to this house.

Word got back to my parents that while
on the tram, l was a very talkative boy.

l told them all the bad things
that Herr Hitler was doing.

I thought that "´Herr"´ was his first name,
of course.

And word got back to my parents
that maybe...

...I shouIdn´t be traveIing aIone.
And my father then came with me.
He didn´t say much, he hardIy ever did...
...but he Iet it be known...
...that it wasn´t wise to go around
saying bad things about HitIer.

ln the weeks following
the annexation of Austria...

...Nazi authorities had enacted
all the anti-Jewish laws...

:10:12 had taken Hitler five years
to put into place in Germany.

For anyone coming from Vienna,
it was very dramatic.

The reality of it struck me
when my parents talked about...

:10:28 up the apartment,
that we had to Ieave.

That was something,
you know, the bottom faIIs out.

Everything faIIs out of you.
This is all l knew...
...and we had to give it up,
we had to leave.

That was probably the biggest blow l had.
Just the idea...
:10:47´II aII end the way it is.
My mother was an activist.
