Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

Everyone was cheering:
"´Those damn Nazis!
They shouId drop dead! Now we are free! "´

There was howling, yelling, shouting,
and singing.

lt was the best party l´ve ever been at...
...although l didn´t really understand
what was happening.

I was hoIding a big girI around the waist,
and she was hoIding me.

They knew the songs they were singing.
They were probabIy Zionist songs...
...but I sang aIong
because it was so much fun...

:42:36 be part of this party.
Not only were the frontier guards
on the Dutch side very nice...

...they had a contingent...
...of ladies who brought us cocoa...
...and Dutch zwieback.
It was Iike manna from heaven.
It was wonderfuI.
You suddenIy feIt
as though you´d been cIad...

:43:00 a cIoak of Iead or iron...
...and it had been taken from you.
It was a wonderfuI feeIing of freedom.
We started to smile.
l don´t think any of them
had smiled for a long time.

lt was wonderful.
Then the train went on
to Hoek van Holland.

We got onto the boat...
...which took us to Harwich.
lt was an unpleasant trip because...
...the EngIish ChanneI...
:43:44 one of the worst pIaces
in wintertime to cross.

We had small children
and people got seasick.

lt was some how-do-you-do.
