Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

...of about three to seven.
Little boys were accepted as well.
And the older children found it
a bit more difficult...

:50:07 find foster parents.
Of course, by that time,
they hastiIy estabIished hosteIs...

:50:12 take a big infIux of the chiIdren...
...who weren´t chosen quickIy,
because we had to be chosen fast.

ln and out, the camp was filled.
Every week,
another transport would arrive.

l was writing a letter to my parents...
...and one of these ladies in a fur coat...
...bent down to me and asked me...
...if l would like to come to Liverpool.
I said, "´Yes, I wouId Iike
to come to LiverpooI."´

She said to the other woman,
"´Oh, she speaks EngIish."´

By speaking EngIish, I mean,
I couId understand:

"´WouId you Iike to come to LiverpooI?"´
And I couId say "´Yes."´

Then they said to me, "´Are you Orthodox?"´
I said, "´Yes."´
They wrote that down.
lt was understood that l was going to go
to Liverpool the next day...

...and when the ladies had gone...
...I wrote in my Ietter to my parents,
"´By the way, what is Orthodox?"´

My brother had been chosen first...
:51:10 be the playmate
of a little boy in Coventry.

Then they asked me if l´d like to go
to a family there.

Of course, l jumped at the chance.
l wanted to be near my little brother.

They chose me as a maid, but I didn´t know
I was supposed to be a maid.

l hadn´t ever thought
of becoming a servant.

But I drew the Iine.
I point bIank refused to wear a uniform.

I think they took me
to show off in front of the neighbors...

...because they were working-cIass peopIe.
The culture shock was very great...
...and also the fact that my clothes
were better than hers.

She took great exception to that...
...and she took the clothes and all.
The chiIdren whom we brought over
and pIaced...

...I think, in the main, were satisfactory.
One can never cIaim 100 percent.
