Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport

The curtains couId be drawn,
to give me some privacy.

The first thing I did was...
...put a picture of my parents
on the bedside table...

:58:11 l could say goodnight to them.
The first three months
before war broke out...

...we couId stiII write home.
So I couId share my experiences
with my parents...

...and I had Ietters very frequentIy.
So I didn´t feeI quite so isoIated.
´´As you can well imagine...
´´ have been constantly
in our thoughts.

´´We still see your face before us
in that window...

´´...of the railway carriage. ´´
´´My dearest little mouse:
´´Hopefully this letter will reach you...
´´...already in your new home,
where you surely will enjoy your stay.

´´Be a very good little girl.
´´Be obedient. ´´
´´Dear Parents:
´´How are you both?
´´Today l had my first English lesson.
´´Greetings and kisses. ´´
´´l was very happy
with your dear little letter...

´´...only there shouldn´t be
so many spelling errors! ´´

´´lf only l could see you
just for a tiny moment...

´´...but, as it is,
l can only write letters full of longing. ´´

´´Dear Daddy: Thank you very much...
´´...for the game of cards...
´´...and the brooches...
´´...and the bracelet.
´´l had a game with them. ´´
´´l keep running to the mailbox.
´´Every line from you overwhelms me.
´´Every day l thank God
that you are in such good hands...

´´...but please show your gratefulness. ´´
