
Can l bum a cigarette, doc?
Sure, here.
You don't look good.
These are tough days for everyone.
You lose your sense of time.
Each day lasts a century.
Today, we lost 4 Phantoms.
We've had heavy losses
from the start.

Three pilots were killed.
A fourth is missing.
A childhood friend of mine.
l'm sorry. The truth is...
This time it's going badly.
l try not to think of it.
Were you in the war of 1967?
The last two days,
l was sent into the Sinai.

But those were different times.
There was a kind of euphoria,
a victory euphoria.

Sure we had losses,
but nothing like this.

At the time l was in Belgium,
in a hospital.

To me, a casualty's a casualty,
whatever the war.
For me the war,
is getting them back home.

Didn't you want to be
a fighter pilot?

No, my father and brother
both were.
