La Virgen de los sicarios

Anyone who packs a piece.
Why were you sentenced?
They claim I owe them a tab.
A reaI viper's nest!
Can't we fix it with money?
By paying someone
to waste them!

Forget about that!
We'II get out of here.
Where to?
They got another shipment through.
Prices will collapse!
We scored!
Here you are.
Wow, great!
And don't ask me where I got them.
Where they have Iots.
The army barracks.
I went to see the commander,
whom I addressed as Sergeant, Sir.

They explained
I should address him as "My Major".
Why "my", if he isn't mine?
Now if he were just a buck private,
"My little buck private..."
But a major!
My tastes
don't even go up to sergeant!

You knew which bullets to get?
I took it with me.
It's a Beretta, right?
You're crazy!
You don't have a permit!

Colombia's foremost grammarian
doesn't need a permit.

The major understood that perfectly.
He wouldn't even let me pay
for the bullets.

You're too much.
