Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse

Destalking the fields makes furrows
and ridges ready
for the grubbing machine.

Once the grubbing is over,
we can glean the whole field.
- Hello.
- Hello Mrs. Buard.

Since this morning,
I've collected a full 250 lbs alone.

And these are good ones
you eat with herring.

Lots of restaurants buy them.
Some people are quite pleased
when the machine malfunctions.

There are lots left here.
The tractor ploughs too deep
and gets stuck.

They free it by lifting the machine
and they miss potatoes there.

So gleaners have a field day?
Oh yes definitely.
The owners don't give a damn
so long as there's nothing left.
They won't have to treat.
You still must sort them.
In supermarkets,
the firm ones are sold

in containers of 5 1 /2 to 1 1 pounds,
and these have to be
of a specific caliber,

of a specific size.
So we dump anything bigger.
The potato harvest
averages 4,500 tons per season.

But 25 tons are rejected
and dumped.
We reject all the outsized,
green ones, and stones,
