Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse

The tower you can see over there,
he built with his own two hands
to house his still camera equipment.
He set up wires and waited.
Animals or birds went past,
triggering the camera.

That's the hut
from which,
with his chronophotographic rifle,
he broke down the flight of birds.
That's Demeny, Marey's assistant,
holding the rifle and the film reel.
I wonder who the boy
with a bowler hat is.

Marey's experimental pictures
and film bits,
technical prowess aside,
are pure visual delight.

Our train leaves Paris
and happens to slows down
as we pass
Ivry waste collection center.

The heart of our topic,
since we're going to Prades,
home of our musician Joanna.

She met youngsters
who had had a brush with the law

for damaging
the trash bins of a supermarket

because the contents
had been doused in bleach.

I thought I could film them
explaining the case

if I met all the protagonists -
the youngsters gathered
on the square,

the manager of the shop,
and the magistrate from the court,
who seemed concerned and polite.
I wanted to know how
these homeless
