Les Glaneurs et la glaneuse

for these youths
who want to be free of all rules.

We only stole trash.
The aim isn't to fine them
but to remind them of the law.

They all played their part,
applying their own logic.

The kids said
what they were supposed to.

We filmed them with their dogs.
It was picturesque.

I'm not that antisocial.
- May I ask you how old you are?
- 22.

Their beauty is poignant when you
realize that, for whatever reason,

they get most of their food
from trash cans.

In court, I was told
it was a dialogue of the deaf,
but not of the dumb.

They seized the chance
to have fun.

I said she was mad,
she cited me for contempt of court.

We said she was out of her mind,
and she would go: Write it down!

Recorder, write down:
Out of her mind!

We felt it was a foregone
conclusion. It was sickening.

She opted for trial in closed court.
I shouted and slammed the door.

They're not through
talking about this episode,

and I'm not through thinking
about it in my hotel room.

We filmed and continue to film
people who hang around trash cans.

They have various reasons
for doing so.

Each experiences it differently.
- Hi!
- Here he is!

How are you?
Sit down, there's coffee for you.
We had been told: '' He wears
rubber boots.
He salvages everything''.

Yes, I live almost 1 00%
on things from the trash.

Everybody, rich or poor,
throws food away. Why?
Because we are so stupid with food!
If we're past the sell-by date
of a yogurt, people go:

''Oh my God, I can't eat this!
