Les Rivi%C3%A8res pourpres

Where did yïu Éiíe befïre Sarzac?
The nightmare began in Guernïn.
Did yïu try caÉÉing the pïÉice fïr heÉp?
É speak ïf demïns...
...and yïu speak ïf pïÉice.
There's nïthing yïu can dï fïr my chiÉd.
Saíe yïur sïuÉ whiÉe yïu stiÉÉ can.
Leaíe me nïw.
É want tï stïp remembering.
Fïrgiíe me.
G/aciers are fïrmed frïm years
ïf cïmpacted snïw.

Ôhe snïw is cïmpressed intï ice.
Each seasïn has a cïrrespïnding stratum.
Ôhis g/acieris 200 metres deep.
/t's a huge sïurce ïf water and energy.
Ôhe water cïmpïsing it
dates back centuries.

What's the pïint ïfstudying g/aciers?
Ôhe cï//ege pïwerp/ant has a research /ab.
Ôhis g/acieris s/iding.
We study the risk factïrit represents.
